Distribution Transformer#

pydantic model gdm.DistributionTransformer#

Interface for defining distribution transformer.

field buses: Annotated[list[DistributionBus], Field(..., description='List of distribution buses in the same order as windings. ')] [Required]#

List of distribution buses in the same order as windings.

field equipment: Annotated[DistributionTransformerEquipment, Field(..., description='Transformer info object.')] [Required]#

Transformer info object.

field feeder: Annotated[DistributionFeeder | None, Field(None, description='Name of the feeder.')] = None#

Name of the feeder.

field in_service: Annotated[bool, Field(True, description='Is the component in service?')] = True#

Is the component in service?

field substation: Annotated[DistributionSubstation | None, Field(None, description='Name of the substation.')] = None#

Name of the substation.

field winding_phases: Annotated[list[list[Phase]], Field(..., description='List of phases for each winding, using the winding\n            order defined in the DistributionTransformerModel')] [Required]#

List of phases for each winding, using the winding order defined in the DistributionTransformerModel

validator validate_fields_base  »  all fields#

Custom validator for distribution transformer.