Inverter Controller#

pydantic model gdm.PowerfactorInverterController#

Interface for an Inverter Controller using powerfactor to determine power output.

field name: Annotated[str, Field('', description='Name of the inverter controller.')] = ''#

Name of the inverter controller.

field power_factor: Annotated[float, FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='The power factor used for the controller.', metadata=[Ge(ge=-1), Le(le=1)])] [Required]#

The power factor used for the controller.

pydantic model gdm.VoltVarInverterController#

Interface for a Volt-Var Inverter Controller.

field name: Annotated[str, Field('', description='Name of the inverter controller.')] = ''#

Name of the inverter controller.

field var_follow: Annotated[bool, FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='Set to false if you want inverter reactive power\n                        generation absorption to respect inverter status')] [Required]#

Set to false if you want inverter reactive power generation absorption to respect inverter status

field volt_var_curve: Annotated[Curve, FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='The volt-var curve that is being applied.')] [Required]#

The volt-var curve that is being applied.

pydantic model gdm.VoltVarVoltWattInverterController#

Interface for a Volt-Var Volt-Watt Inverter Controller.

field name: Annotated[str, Field('', description='Name of the inverter controller.')] = ''#

Name of the inverter controller.

field uuid: UUID [Optional]#
field var_follow: Annotated[bool, Field(..., description='Set to false if you want inverter reactive power\n                        generation absorption to respect inverter status')] [Required]#

Set to false if you want inverter reactive power generation absorption to respect inverter status

field var_priority: Annotated[bool, FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='True means var priority and false means watt priority.')] [Required]#

True means var priority and false means watt priority.

field volt_var_curve: Annotated[Curve, Field(..., description='The volt-var curve that is being applied.')] [Required]#

The volt-var curve that is being applied.

field volt_watt_curve: Annotated[Curve, FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='The volt-watt curve that is being applied.')] [Required]#

The volt-watt curve that is being applied.