Recloser Equipment#

pydantic model gdm.MatrixImpedanceRecloserEquipment#

Interface for matrix impedance based recloser equipment.

field ampacity: Annotated[PositiveCurrent, PINT_SCHEMA, Field(..., description='Ampacity of the conducotr.')] [Required]#

Ampacity of the conducotr.

field c_matrix: Annotated[CapacitancePULength, PINT_SCHEMA, Field(..., description='Per unit length capacitance matrix.')] [Required]#

Per unit length capacitance matrix.

field loading_limit: Annotated[ThermalLimitSet | None, Field(None, description='Loading limit set for this conductor.')] = None#

Loading limit set for this conductor.

field r_matrix: Annotated[ResistancePULength, PINT_SCHEMA, Field(..., description='Per unit length resistance matrix.')] [Required]#

Per unit length resistance matrix.

field x_matrix: Annotated[ReactancePULength, PINT_SCHEMA, Field(..., description='Per unit length reactance matrix.')] [Required]#

Per unit length reactance matrix.

pydantic model gdm.RecloserControllerEquipment#

Class interface for recloser controller equipment.