Wire Equipment#

pydantic model gdm.BareConductorEquipment#

Interface for conductor catalaog.

field ac_resistance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length positive alternating current resistance of the conductor.

field ampacity: ')] [Required]#

Ampacity of the conductor.

field conductor_diameter: ')] [Required]#

Diameter of the conductor.

field conductor_gmr: ')] [Required]#

Geometric mean radius of the conductor.

field dc_resistance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length positive direct current resistance of the conductor.

field emergency_ampacity: ')] [Required]#

Emergency ampacity for this conductor.

field loading_limit: Annotated[ThermalLimitSet | None, FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=False, default=None, description='Loading limit set for this conductor.')] = None#

Loading limit set for this conductor.

pydantic model gdm.ConcentricCableEquipment#

Interface for cable catalog.

field ampacity: ')] [Required]#

Ampacity of the conductor.

field cable_diameter: ')] [Required]#

Diameter of the cable.

field conductor_diameter: ')] [Required]#

Diameter of the conductor inside cable.

field conductor_gmr: ')] [Required]#

Geometric mean radius of the conductor.

field emergency_ampacity: ')] [Required]#

Emergency ampacity of the conductor.

field insulation_diameter: ')] [Required]#

Diameter of the insulation.

field insulation_thickness: ')] [Required]#

Thickness of insulation.

field num_neutral_strands: Annotated[int, Gt(gt=0), FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='Number of neutral strands in the cable.')] [Required]#

Number of neutral strands in the cable.

field phase_ac_resistance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length conductor ac resistance.

field rated_voltage: ')] [Required]#

Rated voltage for the cable.

field strand_ac_resistance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length ac resistance of the strand.

field strand_diameter: ')] [Required]#

Diameter of the cable strand.

field strand_gmr: ')] [Required]#

Geometric mean radius of the strand.