Distribution Branch Equipment#

pydantic model gdm.SequenceImpedanceBranchEquipment#

Interface for sequence impedance branch.

field ampacity: ')] [Required]#

Ampacity of the conductor.

field loading_limit: Annotated[ThermalLimitSet | None, FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=False, default=None, description='Loading limit set for this conductor.')] = None#

Loading limit set for this conductor.

field pos_seq_capacitance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length positive sequence capacitance.

field pos_seq_reactance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length positive sequence impedance.

field pos_seq_resistance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length positive sequence resistance.

field zero_seq_capacitance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length zero sequence capacitance.

field zero_seq_reactance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length zero sequence impedance.

field zero_seq_resistance: ')] [Required]#

Per unit length zero sequence impedance.

pydantic model gdm.MatrixImpedanceBranchEquipment#
pydantic model gdm.GeometryBranchEquipment#

Interface for geometry branch info.

field conductors: Annotated[list[BareConductorEquipment | ConcentricCableEquipment], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='List of overhead wires or cables.')] [Required]#

List of overhead wires or cables.

field horizontal_positions: ')] [Required]#

Horizontal position of the conductor.

field vertical_positions: ')] [Required]#

Vertical position of the conductor.